At Vape King Eliquid, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and social responsibility. We recognize the seriousness of modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from such practices. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment and the actions we take to prevent and address these issues.

Our Policy

Vape King Eliquid has a zero-tolerance approach towards modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to labor rights and fair employment practices. Our policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners associated with our organization.

Supplier Due Diligence

We strive to work with suppliers who share our values and commitment to ethical practices. As part of our supplier due diligence process, we assess potential suppliers for their adherence to labor and human rights standards. This includes evaluating their policies and practices regarding forced labor, child labor, working hours, wages, and working conditions.

We expect our suppliers to:

  1. Conduct their operations in compliance with all applicable labor laws and regulations.
  2. Prohibit the use of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor in any form.
  3. Ensure that no workers are subjected to slavery, servitude, or human trafficking.
  4. Provide fair wages and benefits to their employees, in accordance with local standards.
  5. Comply with legal requirements related to working hours, breaks, and rest periods.
  6. Maintain safe and healthy working environments for their employees.
  7. Promptly address any reported violations or concerns related to labor practices.

Training and Awareness

We believe that education and awareness are vital in preventing and combating modern slavery. We provide training to our employees and key stakeholders to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery, the relevant legal obligations, and the steps to take if they suspect any form of exploitation or trafficking.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

We encourage all employees, suppliers, contractors, and other stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions regarding modern slavery or human trafficking. We have established a confidential and anonymous reporting mechanism to ensure that individuals can safely and securely report any potential violations. Reports will be promptly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with our policies and legal requirements.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our processes and practices to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery. We engage in ongoing dialogue with our suppliers to promote transparency and responsible business practices throughout our supply chains. We regularly monitor our compliance and conduct audits to ensure adherence to our policies and standards.

Review and Approval

This Modern Slavery Statement is reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with our values. It has been approved by the management team at Vape King Eliquid.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our Modern Slavery Statement or if you would like to report any potential violations, please contact us at [email protected]. Your feedback is important to us, and we are committed to addressing any issues promptly and appropriately.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking, and we will continue to work diligently to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from such practices.

Date of Statement: 20 June 2023

The Management Team Vape King Eliquid

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